Backed by 20 years of clinical research and experience
Newrologix is a comprehensive program designed to optimize the brain's performance and uses the most current live EEG data collection software on the market.
Newrologix protocols train your brain into more balanced brain states. Focus, concentration, learning, reading, writing, listening, behavior and other cognitive states use specific “radio stations” the brain must be tuned into to perform efficiently. If the brain is “out of tune” at any of these frequencies, inefficiencies, and other processing problems can happen.
Along with live feedback brain imaging, Newrologix protocols can provide you feedback through the use of video streaming. When you do Neurofeedback correctly, you are “rewarded” with a brightly lit movie instead of a dark screen. This happens only when you produce the right brainwave patterns. Producing the wrong patterns darkens the screen. Over time, the brain learns how to produce only the patterns that keep the movie brightly lit while simultaneously trying to avoid the ones that produce a dark screen. Once the brain learns how continuously produce the right ones, it becomes easier for the brain to sustain them. Newrologix Neurofeedback is a revolutionary way to truly make changes to the brainwave patterns that guide our daily behaviors and cognitive abilities.